Freitag, Juni 26, 2009

Genicular nerv

Genicular nerv ml
Genicular nerv pa
Genicular nerv lm1
Genicular nerv lm2
Medial superior genicular artery
Adductor magnus

Genicular nerv Genicular nerves are sensory nerves and are branches of the tibial, common peroneal and obturator nerves. They supply the capsule of the knee joint as well as the intraarticular and extraarticular ligaments.

The medial superior genicular nerve, the medial inferior genicular nerve and the middle genicular nerve are all branches of the tibial nerve. They arise within the popliteal fossa and accompany the correspondingly named arteries.

The lateral superior genicular nerve and the lateral inferior genicular nerve are branches of the common peroneal nerve and accompany their corresponding arteries. The genicular branch of the obturator nerve is a branch of the posterior division of the obturator nerve. It accompanies the popliteal artery and supplies the posterior part of the capsule of the knee joint.

Have searched in google, the result is no one consider about this nerve except this book.

so i post this in Blog because i work with it everday.

Thanks Univadis, thanks PRIMAL,my Best study tools in Germany.

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